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actively Podcast

actively Podcast Herzlich willkommen beim Podcast von actively – “actively enabling you”! Wir beleuchten in unseren Podcasts verschiedene HR Themen sowie Trends, Erfahrungen und Best Practice in der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, diskutieren diese zusammen mit unseren Kunden, unseren Kundinnen sowie Partnerinnen und stellen sie dir hier als Inspiration zum Nachhören zur Verfügung- viel Spass!¨ #6… Continue reading actively Podcast

Recruiting & Active Sourcing

Recruiting & Active Sourcing Place an ad, drink tea and pray… …is no longer helpful in an employee market with intense international competition and the “war for talents” that has been announced for years and is now more than real!   Of course, we all work with different platforms and providers, sometimes even quite successfully… Continue reading Recruiting & Active Sourcing

actively is unique!

actively is unique! Hiring, onboarding, coaching while improving the candidate experience and employer branding with the support of artificial intelligence (AI) Today, I have a few questions for those of you who recruit virtually and already appreciate the benefits of the more efficient process: 👉 Does your e-recruiting tool efficiently ensure applicant management, but do you… Continue reading actively is unique!