Recruiting & Active Sourcing

Place an ad, drink tea and pray...

…is no longer helpful in an employee market with intense international competition and the “war for talents” that has been announced for years and is now more than real!


Of course, we all work with different platforms and providers, sometimes even quite successfully with free offers from LinkedIn and Google Jobs, etc., and sometimes we are lucky, and a talent finds us this way who may have heard of us before and already knows the company or product – congrats!


But not all companies are successful and, at the same time, already known as employers- we are currently working with some organizations that are not yet known as employers in the market or whose fine product range is not yet known by almost any job seeker.


Even with the startups for which we accompany the expansion of the sales teams, for example, we can no longer avoid “active sourcing,” i.e., direct approaches or even “headhunting,” to invite enough people into interviews. Personally, I’m not a fan of the term “headhunting” because I don’t see myself as a hunter – too brutal from my point of view.


It's about excitement!

Today, as a Recruiter, I must bring along a high affinity for marketing and sales tasks! The task is to make the product (the company, the team, and the benefits of employment) known on the job market through an appealing marketing and channel mix and actively inspiring talents.


In interviews, I am often asked what the company’s USP as an employer is or why I actually work for the company. These are all legitimate questions, and a recruiter would do well to know the hopefully exciting story and the culture of the company and to talk about it – in other words, don’t just read down the benefits that are on the website anyway, but authentically convey what excites you personally. Today, most professionals can choose from several offers daily – so hurry up, and invest in your recruiting process with a marketing budget and heart & soul!


Employer branding is the supreme discipline of communication. It is vital to activate everyone in the company to join in – because organic content has an impact on social media – so ideally, everyone in the company helps to build a brand today by providing interesting, exciting, or even provocative and preferably discussion-stimulating content and thus adds value to the network. Because “just pitching” is also the recipe of the day before yesterday, and not only in sales but especially in employer branding!



 👉 It is essential to build up an authentic content culture in the company with many internal participants who carry this to the outside world and address talents directly through enthusiastic recruiters or employees.

 👉 Not only with an excellent (trendy) product but with visibility of content and culture, a company can create a pipeline of talent interested in working there – if not today, maybe later.

👉 Today, as employers, we must actively seek out new talent and directly address personalities who are thin on the ground and not actively looking. 

👉 Ideally, this is done via our network or through a third party who can approach in a neutral and mediating manner without getting into a conflict of interest – for example, with actively!