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Workshops with the LEGO® Serious Play® Method

With the LEGO® Serious Play® Method the starting point is the same for all participants; a carefully chosen, common question is answered by building with Lego bricks. 


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When do we choose the LEGO® Serious Play® method?​

Whether it’s visioning, retrospective, innovation, customer or candidate experience, team building, strategy, change processes, innovation, or coaching – LSP is a creative method that can address complex issues in organizations and companies. All participants have an equal number of building blocks, equal creative time, and equal attention. In this way, we manage to ensure that everyone at the table is 100% involved and that everyone is heard.

It is essential to carefully prepare the question to be answered, the ideal setting, and the framework in which the method is to be used. By the way, the LEGO® Serious Play® method is not the solution but a great tool on the way!


With the LEGO® Serious Play® method we follow a structured process

With the LEGO® Serious Play® method, we work with the “brain-hand” principle”. We don’t think about a question, but we build the answer to it from our inner world as a model to share with the group afterward. The LEGO® Serious Play® method follows a defined process and is facilitated by one or more external facilitators over several rounds:

First, we build individual models in response to a question, which we combine in a group model in a second step. Further, we consider the external influencing factors, such as dependencies, opportunities, and risks, that affect our model. We record the models and stories in pictures during the session and derive the follow-up tasks for the team.

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